Dreams. Chronicles of the Night.

In the Pharmacy

I went to the chemist's to get some medicine. I looked at the shelves but couldn't find what I wanted.

The vendor asked me whether he could help. The shopkeeper looked familiar. Clearly he was John from the Helsinki Morrissers. The hair was shorter but the face was the same. We had briefly exchanged a couple of words last spring when Sari danced with the group in a local street festival.

The expression on the vendor's face looked like he had recognized me too, so I asked, "Are you not John, from the Morris dancing group?"
"No, I'm not."
"I was certain we had met."

The man shook his head, which seemed strange, since clearly he was John. I didn't insist on the matter, though, but asked for the medicine, "Do you have any pills for the Morris dancing? I can't remember the name of the medicine but it should work for a sore throat."
"I know what you mean!" the man exclaimed, "Morris dancing easily causes sore throat. The pills are here in this shelf."

As the vendor gave me the pills, I was even more convinced that this was John. Morris dancing was not so well known in Finland; you wouldn't know the details, unless you had some experience with the dances.




28 June 2003